I understand the aging body. For nearly 2 decades I’ve partnered exclusively with older adults – there is no one in the Santa Barbara area more qualified or experienced to help you improve your functional fitness and physical ability.
I’ve earned 3 specialty certifications in older adult fitness, as well as 2 additional internationally recognized certifications in general training & physical conditioning, all kept active & current; these certifications build on a Master’s Degree in Exercise Science and a Bachelor’s Degree in Health Studies. Literally anyone can “call” themselves a fitness trainer; I’ve earned my title of “older adult fitness trainer” through a deliberate university & professional education process.
I am Santa Barbara’s most experienced fitness trainer, period! I’ve had a continuous full-time fitness training private practice for 37 years and counting.
I will help you to improve your movement ability, physical function & fitness even if you have physical challenges like common degenerative conditions, previous injuries or joint replacements.
Medical professionals trust me with their patients: I am grateful to continue to receive referrals from Doctors and Physical Therapists.
My passion and only focus is helping my clients create positive changes in their physical lives by improving their personal self-care capabilities to enhance fitness, functional ability and health. I have the education, training and skills to make positive physical changes a reality for you if you’re willing to put in a sustained & focused effort.
“First move well and then move often.”
– Gray Cook, Physical Therapist
My Personalized 3-Step Fitness Training Process
Safe and effective movement/physical training is dependent on the adequate function of our muscles, joints and nervous system working together – call this trio our movement platform or foundation. Older adults often have movement platform dysfunction from deficits in joint mobility & stability, muscle flexibility, balance or neuromuscular control/coordination. The best path to older adult functional fitness is to establish a sound movement platform with fundamental movement skills & body control before developing other “regular fitness” aspects like strength, power or endurance. This concept of first establishing a sound movement platform is nicely expressed by physical therapist Gray Cook’s famous twin axioms “first move well and then move often” and “don’t add fitness to dysfunction”. I follow an individualized 3- step process to make “first move well” a reality for you.