3-Step Fitness Training Process for Older Adults in Santa Barbara
“First move well and then move often.”
– Gray Cook, Physical Therapist
My Personalized 3-Step Fitness Training Process
Safe and effective movement/physical training is dependent on the adequate function of our muscles, joints and nervous system working together – call this trio our movement platform or foundation. Older adults often have movement platform dysfunction from deficits in joint mobility & stability, muscle flexibility, balance or neuromuscular control/coordination. The best path to older adult functional fitness is to establish a sound movement platform with fundamental movement skills & body control before developing other “regular fitness” aspects like strength, power or endurance. This concept of first establishing a sound movement platform is nicely expressed by physical therapist Gray Cook’s famous twin axioms “first move well and then move often” and “don’t add fitness to dysfunction”. I follow an individualized 3- step process to make “first move well” a reality for you.